Daniel Edmeades Photography

Wedding Photographer

Website Overview


Daniel approached PNB Web Design for a complete website refresh for his wedding photography business. Based in Leicestershire, Daniel is a wedding photographer who wanted a modern, elegant, and professional site that would effortlessly showcase his portfolio with large, striking images. He wasn’t seeking a simple update, but rather, a site that truly reflected his brand and photographic style.

Following a discussion to understand his preferences, dislikes and design inspirations, we quickly developed a website that complemented and aligned with his vision. Daniel’s new website is built on the WordPress Content Management System, providing him with a powerful, yet user-friendly platform. This not only ensures ease of use but also offers a robust foundation for strong SEO performance post-launch.

A new website or website refresh is an investment for any business. We know that Daniel’s new site better reflects his style, design and services and we hope that for Daniel, this new site will continue to attract new clients and showcase his exceptional work. We have thoroughly enjoyed working with him and we are so pleased that he is delighted with his new site. Over to you Daniel…

daniel edmeades website PNB Web Design
daniel edmeades website 2 PNB Web Design

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